Question date: 06/02/2010 | Explain the difference between Troward's conception of subjective mind and the psychological conceptions of conscious and unconscious and subconscious. | |
The best place to begin is from a metaphysical or spiritual view. Remembering that there is only one mind, the word mind gets used in a number of ways and it means different things in different settings. For instance, there is a difference between a metaphysical understanding of mind and a psychological understanding. For now, let's use the metaphysical meaning which attributes an intelligence to spirit or source and calls this universal mind. This is the mind of God. This mind has no capacity for self-reflection in it's own right. Through a process of creation and evolution, which is far too complex to describe, the physical universe has manifested through self-reflective ability of individualized mind, which we experience as individual humans. This individualized mind is the universal mind looking at itself as if it was separate from itself. It is creating a false sense of separation. This is most analygous to the conscious mind of the psychological world, but there is overlap onto the subconscious. This is the objective mind Troward, that which perceives the universe of the physical world, which has thoughts, which can be looked at and considered, which evaluates and analyzes. The subjective mind which Troward discusses is a bridge, if you like, between universal mind and objective mind. It is a physical expression of the universal mind in some ways, although it can and does exist outside of the physical world. This subjective mind has some links to the unconscious of the psychological world. It is not the subconscious mind which is in control of the body, monitoring the heartbeat and such. That is really more a function of the objective mind, although it is not conscious. As you can see there is no direct parallel between the psychological descriptions or the metaphysical description. Beliefs are all part of objective mind but they may not be conscious. In psychological terms they have dropped below a level of conscious awareness through repression or habit or other factors. The subjective mind (Troward) is the one creating your reality. It holds the creative power. But the subjective mind has no mind of it's own; it is a direct link between objective mind and universal mind. What you are experiencing in your life is the result of what subjective mind has been told to create. When you experience symptoms of past trauma, it is because your subjective mind is being told that that is still required by either conscious or subconscious beliefs. You know you have the beliefs when you recognize the effects or results. For instance, a tight neck, is the result of a belief that you are still in a dangerous world. So you need help here to get your unconscious mind to stop telling your subjective mind what is required. Changing the beliefs held by the subconscious mind is something we have discussed many times. There are a number of ways to do it. The most direct and effective is to realize the truth which opposes the false belief and to affirm it as often as needed. But this is not a simple wishing for the truth to be the truth. It is a knowing that it is the truth, in other words, a deep-seated absolute knowing which is felt in the body and not just a thought or a hope. To achieve a knowing like that requires dedication, a spiritual practice and a certain level of embodiment. You can enlist the subjective mind as you did last night (Troward quote). Basically what you are doing is asking the subjective mind to help you let go of the past and to be in the present. You need to know the qualities that you want to experience and describe them very clearly to the subjective mind. You also can ask the subjective mind to help you become more and more conscious so that there are less subconscious beliefs giving instructions to the subjective mind. This means facing yourself squarely and not denying anything. This takes a certain willingness to be vulnerable for what lies in the subconscious mind is not always in line with how we choose to think of ourselves, which is why it is subconscious. You are experiencing that now as you become aware of more aspects of yourselves, for instance how Michael has become aware of how rapidly he judges people. These are functions of the subconscious mind that are becoming conscious. Ask the subjective mind to help you with this. It is simply becoming conscious as all spiritual teachings discuss. Remember that there was what seemed like a good reason for all the ways that you shut yourself down. The key is to recognize that you do that, that you don't need to anymore, that there is a truth that you are now in touch with that neutralizes all of those reasons, but that it will take vulnerability to step into that letting go. |
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Question date: 06/02/2010 | Explain the difference between Troward's conception of subjective mind and the psychological conceptions of conscious and unconscious and subconscious. |
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Question date: 05/26/2009 | How much can be accomplished by changing beliefs without working on the response to the original trauma? |
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Question date: 05/15/2009 | Explain how the universe can be timeless and yet we are told that we apparently choose our lives. |
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Question date: 04/17/2009 | Healing |
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Question date: 04/14/2009 | Weight loss |