Category Archives: Morning meditations

When We Are Triggered By People – Morning Meditations, Jan 30, 2016

When we are triggered by people in our lives, particularly those with whom we have some kind of relationship – not necessarily strangers on the street – what has been activated?  It is an idea about ourselves that is unpleasant … Continue reading

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Our Life Is An Expression Of Our Choice – Morning Meditation, Jan 29, 2016

In this moment there is a force alive within you, an energy that is flowing, creating, activating – it is giving you life.  This energy, this force expects nothing, demands nothing – it’s given freely.  It is not just energy.  … Continue reading

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You Can Transform Yourself Instantly If You Will Dwell In The Truth – Morning Meditation, Jan 6, 2016

If you will simply put your faith in the truth of the one power, the one consciousness, you will simply know with all of your being that that is true and there is nothing that you, as an individual identity, … Continue reading

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Which House Are You Going To Live In? – Morning Meditation, Jan 4, 2016

Imagine this.  Imagine you had two homes.  One in a place that you loved to be where life seemed magical and free, where beauty and creativity abounded, where you knew without a doubt you were living the life you were … Continue reading

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The Pathway to Transformation – Morning Meditation, Jan 7, 2016

We speak often of letting go of control, trusting in a greater power, placing our faith in a greater power.  We speak of an infinite intelligence that guides all evolution and creation.  What picture do you hold of this kind … Continue reading

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Acceptance Is The Key To Freedom – Morning Meditation, Jan 8, 2016

The question often arises, why have I done so much and still I have so much resistance?  Why am I overtaken by grief, anxiety, fear, and rage?  It seems I should be different. It is good that we practice surrender, … Continue reading

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Moving From Fear to Trust – Morning Meditation, Jan 3, 2016

The goal of this meditation is to help us move from a state of fear to a state of trust. As we have discussed, fear is the basis of all our ways of being that are not authentic. Each one … Continue reading

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Walk Away From The Identity – Morning Meditations, 10-30-2015

Consider this: in this moment you could experience serene calm and peace. You could experience divine light and grace. You could experience a sense of oneness and wholeness, a deep knowing of the fundamental beauty and richness of life. And … Continue reading

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Choosing the Uncertainty of Surrender – Morning meditation, Nov 10, 2014

Although it doesn’t seem rational or logical, most of us prefer discomfort, struggle and belief in limitation to the uncertainty of surrender.  We prefer to be in control, even though we are clearly beginning to understand the negative consequences of … Continue reading

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Dying to be real – Morning meditation, Jan 2, 2015

What does it mean to come to a stop, to move to a state of allowing?  You may think when we are sitting in meditation that we have come to a stop because we are not moving, but what we … Continue reading

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